Crossroads of life — JH (15 Mar)

Heavenly Father,
I would like to pray for JH. We want to thank you for the A level results come what may. As he faces this point of his life, may you guide him in his choices and yield him to draw close to you to seek you unfailing advice from you. I pray that you bless his relationship with E and that he will be able to lead the relationship to you. Father I ask for your plan to be fulfilled in his life and may JH know the importance if following after you. Lord, thank you for this day and thank you for major decisions you place in our lives. Most of the time it causes us to return to you. Help us acknowledge that you are Lord of all and it is right to ask for direction from You, the one who was there right from the start. I pray that you help all of us turn to you first in times of trouble or joy and bring all glory back to you.
In Jesus Name,

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